Residents can contact JCP&L customer service at 1-800-662-3115 anytime Monday – Friday between 8:00am – 6:00pm and make an inquiry for forestry. Residents can also fill out the JCP&L online form and email them: There’s a section for “tree trimming” under customer service and when you click on it, it will pop open a window to report a tree problem as well.
Residents that would like to contact the Township for trees along Township Roads can contact the Department of Public Works at 908-735-8384 or Should a resident prefer to contact the Municipal Offices, the Township Staff will take messages and forward them to the DPW. For County Roads residents can contact the County Department of Public Works at 908-788-1178 or
Residents and property owners are reminded that trees on private property are the responsibility of the property owner regardless of whether they are located within a municipal right of way. For additional information, a copy of Franklin Township Ordinance 2018-14 is available on the Township website,, and in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
Please further note the Township’s Public Health & Safety Notice to Residents: Emerald Ash Borer Infestations.