Dear Franklin Township,
My name is Laya, I’m with the Temple University College of Public Health. We are currently conducting a National Institutes of Health-funded research study on the effects of well water on children’s health and were wondering if your township could be of assistance for participant recruitment. We currently have just about 300 participants and need to reach a goal of 908 over the next two years. Participants must drink water from a private well and have a child under the age of four.
We were wondering if you would be willing to include information about our study in either municipality newsletters or on your social media pages, if applicable. Below, I’ve provided an example excerpt that could be used in a newsletter or social media post.
Researchers at Temple University are looking for families who drink water from a private well for a paid study. They are interested in keeping children safe from illnesses that can be spread by drinking water from private wells. Participating families will receive a free UV water treatment device and installation ($1000) and up to $90 in gift cards. Families will receive $100 for referring eligible families to our study. Families can participate from home. To be part of this NIH-funded study, families must have a child three years old or younger and live in select Pennsylvania counties.
For more information, visit their website at, call them at (215)204-5124, or email them at
I have also attached a flyer if you would rather just send that out.
Please let us know if you have any questions. I hope to hear from you soon!