
Household Cleanup 2025

Household cleanup information

Household cleanup and bulky waste are for non-recyclable items only.

Electronic Waste (E-Waste) can be dropped off at the Department of Public Works, 85 Locust Grove Road, Monday-Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.

  • E-Waste includes Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Tablets, E-Readers, Desktop Printers, Fax Machines, Televisions, etc.

Household cleanup and bulky waste pickup days

April 5th, June 7th, September 6th, November 1st
8:00am -12:00noon
85 Locust Grove Road

Who is permitted to drop off?

  • Residents are permitted one load per drop off day in a car, pickup, or small trailer.
  • Proof of residency is required.
  • Household cleanup is for items from the home and is not an outlet for the disposal of construction materials and or debris generated by major additions, alterations, or repairs to the home.

Rules for drop off:

  • All loose loads or items delivered in containers that hide their content will be refused.
  • All items and materials must be contained or bundled and open for inspection.
  • All wood must be tied bundles less than 3 feet in length and have no protruding nails.
  • All wire fencing: carpeting, rugs, pool covers and linters must be rolled and securely tied.
  • Household cleanup is on a first come first served basis.
  • When containers are full, gates will be closed.
  • Franklin Township reserves the right to reject any and all loads.

These items will not be accepted:

  • NO vehicles larger than pickup truck
  • NO loads higher than 2 feet above the bed sides
  • NO large or enclosed trailers
  • NO blocks, bricks, concrete, masonry, rocks
  • NO construction materials or debris
  • NO brush, limbs, trees, or yard waste
  • NO household garbage or trash
  • NO mattresses
  • NO recyclables
  • NO plastic farm or garden mulch
  • NO propane cylinders.
  • NO appliance containing the refrigerant FREON unless accompanied by a seal certifying its proper removal.
  • NO chemicals, paints, insecticides, or pesticides **
  • NO additional loads or dumping on any other day.
  • NO commercial vehicles or loads that were commercially generated.
  • NO dead domestic, farm or wild animals and or animal waste
  • NO loads from outside of the borders of Franklin Township

Additional information

Residents with additional loads, construction materials and debris etc. may contact the Hunterdon County Transfer Station in Annandale for more information 908-236-9088.

  • Hazardous waste cleanup: For dates and information call 908-788-1110.
  • Electronics recycling:  For dates and information call 908-788-1100.
  • Tires: The DPW will no longer be accepting tires.  We recommend you recycle them at your local tire supplier.  You can also contact Performance Tires at 908-479-2226.
  • Brush and limbs:  Residents who wish to dispose of brush and limbs can bring it to Green Rock Recycling. For information and hours of operation call 908-713-0008.

Any further questions or additional information, please call the Department of Public Works at 908-735-8384 or submit an email to

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